Pelosi – from Internet

Posted on January 12, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Americans! Where are you? Are you awake?

We haven’t heard any comment on “Queen Madam” Pelosi’s snit about having to ride home in the small private, economy jet that comes with the Speaker’s job. Remember how Madame Pel’s was so aggravated that this little jet had to refuel while transporting her to California every week? Remember that she insisted on a luxurious 200 seat jet to fly her to California nonstop, instead? Hello Folks! Are you awake? Can you muster even a little indignation?

Washington legislators who observed the Madam’s Big Fat jet grinned with glee as Joe informed everyone that Nancy’s luxury Jet will require hard working American tax payers, to buy thousands of gallons of expensive jet fuel every week. She only works 3 days a week but her gas guzzler luxury jet flights home, to California , cost taxpayers $60,000 one way! As Joe noted, ‘Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday night,’ so there goes another $60,000.

Folks, that is $480,000 per month or an annual cost to taxpayers of $5,760,000. And she complains about the cost of the war? She could take the smaller jet which she says would cramp her style — but since her flying in style takes precedence over war costs — what the hell, eh?

Military families in this country do without while this woman, who heads up the most do-nothing Congress in the history of our country, spends lavishly to fly herself and associates to and from California every week. That burns me!! How about you?

Madame Pelosi expects you and I to conserve our carbon footprint by driving smaller cars and buying a bicycle pump to over-inflate our tires for better economy while she and her hypocrite cohorts waste tax payer dollars. Ticks me off mightily! How about you?

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